
Godly Jealousy: A Theology of Intolerant Love is unavailable, but you can change that!

Divine jealousy plays a central role in God’s activities throughout human history, yet it is virtually ignored among those in the Church today. Christians desire leaders who are dynamic, educated, and entertaining, but it is highly unlikely you will ever see jealousy as one of the desired qualities of leaders within the Church. However, jealousy is one of the primary attributes of the great...

of those with whom he has established a covenant relationship. Any violation of the exclusive favor in this relationship is met with a strong emotional response of jealousy, which results in wrathful and restorative action. In the Bible we also see that humans demonstrate godly jealousy in relationship to other persons and on behalf of God.4 Although human jealousy is seldom uncontaminated with sin, can be unwarranted,5 and taken to ungodly extremes,6 there is, nevertheless, an important place in
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